Quality Assurance/Quality Control of Real-Time Oceanographic Data (QARTOD) is a set of transparent, state-of-the-art testing procedures that have been optimised for operational under keel clearance management purposes. This paper aims to describe the QARTOD framework and discuss its application for wave and tide data in two Australian ports. The content of the paper includes an examination of the effectiveness of the recommended testing processes, primarily for waves, describing benefits of the approach and lessons learned along the way. For wave processing, QARTOD has a range of tests covering data processing levels of both raw displacements and parameters.

A standard plot output to visualise the processing and output has been developed for these tests. This diagnosis plot quickly enables supporting personnel to critically review and investigate the effectiveness of the applied QC tests, while also reviewing displacements, power spectra and parameters for any given record. These transparent procedures have been found to be very effective for real-time metocean data quality control at the two ports.

Click here to read the full article: https://wpstaging.omcinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Coasts-Ports-2017-Real-time-Quality-Control-Experiences-using-QARTOD-in-Australian-Ports.pdf