OMC International is an Australian maritime engineering company delivering multi award-winning digital port solutions and e-Navigation technologies.
Having operated in ports for more than 30 years, we have become experts in the field of safety and efficiency within the maritime industry.
We offer solutions to many complex issues that arise within maritime operations. From the early days, pioneering Dynamic Under Keel Clearance®, to expanding our offerings to include specialising in mooring, environmental data, dredge optimisation, ship motions, and transit analysis. OMC offers the complete suite of products and services for ports worldwide.
owned & operated
Over 35 years experience
in the Maritime industry
Supported by an experienced team of over 70 people
Over 800 full-scale vessel motion
measurement analyses conducted
A strong focus
on R&D
Approximately 98% of Australia’s
iron ore sails under DUKC® advice
Global Leader - to create a lasting legacy for propelling the maritime industry into a safer and more sustainable future.
Provide world leading innovation that continues to revolutionise maritime operations through data driven certainty to enhance safety, sustainability and efficiencies.
Dr Terry O'Brien
Founder &
Executive Director
Peter O'Brien
Executive Officer
Allison Wilkinson
Chief Strategy & Corporate
Services Officer
Brendan Curtis
Commercial Officer
Chris Hens
Product Officer
Dr Giles Lesser
NZ Business Development &
TransitAnalyst Product Manager
Gordon Lindsay
Chief Software
Engineering Officer
Jason Ryan
Chief Information
Security Officer
Laurence Benn
Engineering Officer
Dr Matthew Turner
Project Officer
Ronnie Saunders
Chief Customer
Operations Officer
Calculating under keel clearance in real time
A database to help pilotage
126 Trenerry Crescent
Victoria 3067 Australia
+61 3 9412 6500
Fax: +61 3 9412 6590