Conferences in 2020 were like never before with virtual the new reality. Although disappointed it couldn’t be held face to face in Tasmania, OMC was proud to support the IHMA Congress, in addition to presenting two papers. Peter O’Brien presented with Lyle Banks from the Pilbara Ports Authority on the Dynamic Port Capacity Model, and how it is utilised to understand the port’s operations and evaluate growth strategies. Laurence Benn presented OMC’s work for TasPorts on the risk assessment for bringing larger vessels under the Tasman Bridge.

Dr. Reza Javanmardi and the OMC R&D team had several papers published, including an examination into scale effect in self-propelled container ship squat, the application of AI for equation of motion parameter identification, and an investigation into the influence of sway and yaw on the modelling of roll, which was presented at PIANC APAC 2020.  

Dr. Reza Javanmardi presenting virtually for PIANC APAC.

Dr. Giles Lesser presented at the NZ Maritime Pilots Association conference in Otago on OMC’s latest developments which will deliver new insights into transits. More to come on this in 2021.

Peter O’Brien (left) and Laurence Benn (center left) both presented at the IHMA Congress. Dr. Reza Javanmardi (center right) presented at PIANC APAC, and Dr. Giles Lesser presented at the NZ Maritime Pilots Association conference.

To view previous technical papers by OMC International, click here.