E-Navigation technology used to improve transit for ships in draft restricted waterways, determining and manages a ship’s Under Keel Clearance (UKC) dynamically and in real-time.
Monitor all your port’s weather displayed in a customisable dashboard to make the most informed decisions.
A database of past pilotage transits displayed in a searchable form.
A tool to efficiently manage static calculations, including calculators for squat, heel and wave response.
A forecasting, monitoring & alerting tool for moored ships to assist ports & terminal operators maximise berth availability & minimise risk.
An app displaying real-time metocean data & DUKC® transit information, available at your fingertips.
OMC excels in mooring design and ship motion modelling, with extensive experience in diverse environmental conditions.
These quantify actual vessel motions directly. They are essential in the validation of the numerical ship motion model on which under keel clearance (UKC) requirements are based.
Using DUKC® technology to reduce dredging volumes, cut costs and minimise environmental impact.
Met-ocean data services include processing, quality control, real-time transmission, and monitoring.
The DPCM® simulates port operations to optimise efficiency and throughput.
For port expansion or evolving operations, combine Simflex4 FastTime and DUKC® for optimal channel design and dredging. Integrate with full bridge simulators for a realistic experience.
126 Trenerry Crescent
Victoria 3067 Australia
+61 3 9412 6500
Fax: +61 3 9412 6590